Cloud services experience 24% growth

Analytics company Synergy Research Group published results of a research they conducted on global cloud solution market. By the end of a 12-month period (from the 4th quarter of 2016 until the end of the 3rd quarter of 2017), it was assessed in £127 bln. This is a 24% increase from the previous year.

This valuation includes £57 bln that were spent on hardware and software, which were used in the expansion of cloud infrastructure. Expenses for public and private solutions are approximately similar, however, the first case the grows is more prominent.

Yearly expenses for cloud services such as Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, Software as a Service (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS), and personal cloud solutions exceeded £70 bln. Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS), although being very different from the rest of cloud industry, was included here too. It also demonstrates rapid growth and introduces some radical changes in corporate communications.

The report highlights following companies as leading participants in cloud market: Amazon (AWS), Microsoft, IBM, Salesforce, Dell EMC, HPE, and Cisco.

And no wonder, the prices of many cloud technologies are often significantly lower than the price you have to pay for hosting and maintaining your own software and equipment as a business. Maybe it is the time for you to migrate to cloud. Ask London IT support, Bits and PCs about cloud migration and plan your first steps.

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