Windows 7 users neglect anti-virus protection

According to statistics published in the 22nd Microsoft Security Intelligence Report, the main reason for not being adequately protected in systems under Windows Vista and Windows 7 is the complete absence of anti-virus software. In case of Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 10, this problem is non-existent as the versions of OS contain Windows Defender initially. However, even built-in defence does not guarantee virus attack resistance, as user quite often disable the protection or use outdated virus databases.

As this graph demonstrates, PC users under Windows 10 suffer the consequence of virus attacks due to the lack of updates. At the same time, those who use Windows 8/8.1 experience cyber offence after disabling anti-virus protection.


We remind you that earlier this year there was a worldwide cyber-attack when criminal used ransomware WannaCry that encrypted the users’ data. The malicious software was based on the exploit called EternalBlue, that was developed by the US National Security Agency. The above-mentioned exploit leaked and got into hackers’ possession. It used  SMB protocol to get into the system. Microsoft shortly released the patch that fixed the vulnerability. However, the second wave of attack that followed two months later demonstrated that significant amount of people disregarded installation of the update.

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