Windows 10 usage is on the rise

Windows 10 already has a chequered history. Despite only being released earlier this year, it seems that more has been written about Microsoft’s latest operating system than any that have come before it. From the innovative new idea of a free upgrade, to the many bugs, glitches, and issues that it has caused users around the world, Windows 10 is certainly making headlines. However, although many people feel that these issues may have put people off using the new operating system, statistics instead suggest that the opposite is happening – so let’s take a look at them in more detail.

Windows 10 on the rise

Contrary to what many people think, Windows 10 usage is actually on the rise as of the start of this month, according to statistics collated by the Irish analytics research firm StatCounter. It shows that after plummeting severely in August and September, Windows 10 usage is now on the up throughout the world. However, as this firm uses browser analytics to determine the number of users, it is not entirely accurate. For example, if someone has upgraded but is not connected to the internet, then they would not show up in the results. But despite this, this data is surely good news for Microsoft, who have resorted to pushing the free upgrade on to users in recent months, so as to encourage people to upgrade as soon as possible.

Why is this happening?

Lots of industry experts feel that the free upgrade offer is causing many to upgrade, despite its initial faults. In addition, there is the feeling that Microsoft has finally put the major issues to bed with its many software updates, and now Windows 10 is working better than ever before.

If your business is thinking about making the upgrade to Windows 10, and wants to find out how our services could help, then contact us today online or by calling 0207 22 11 355 to find out more about our services related to business IT support in London.

Windows 10 Has Launched Read Its Features Before Install And Also Learn How To Upgrade It by brar_j licensed under Creative commons 4

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