Windows 10 ARM will not support x86-64 applications

ARM- version of Windows 10 is likely to get SDK toolkit for Windows 10 ARM64 that allows developers to create native 64-bit applications. However, it does not solve the problem with compatibility of already existing high-performance applications that work exclusively in x86-64. Among those are some games and some of Adobe Creative Cloud apps that are unavailable in 36bit such as Flash Pro, Premiere Pro, After Effects, Audition, and Prelude.

According to a manager of Windows ARM subdivision, Erin Chapple, this option has been considered previously. Technically, it can be done. Yet, it does not appear sensible in terms of the labour, expenses, and the benefits in return. At this stage, adding  x86-64 support would not simply mean an addition of a new feature, but a completely new development. Additionally, the stability of such system would be also far less predictable. However, the range of computers that the operating system is being designed for are relatively low-performance systems. There would not simply be enough computing power to accommodate those applications anyway. Nevertheless, the majority of software packages are available in both 32-bit and 64-bit version, so the lack of x86-64 support would go unnoticed by the majority of users.

Foreboding the questions we may get in our London IT support centre, majority of the programs that you would expect to use of such systems (Microsoft Office, Chrome, Edge, Firefox) will work on Windows 10 ARM in 32bit mode. If you require 64-bit support, perhaps, choosing Intel or AMD systems would be more practical.   orer и Office остаются по-прежнему 32-бит x86-приложениями: оставлены они в таком виде ради совместимости с расширениями и дополнениями (тем более, что программы пакета Office, как правило, нетребовательны к производительности CPU). В общим и целом, пока платформа Windows 10 ARM призвана стать основой для создания доступных и максимально мобильных устройств с акцентом на время автономной работы и интегрированную поддержку LTE. Они не предназначены для прямой конкуренции в области производительности с 64-битными системами на базе чипов Intel или AMD.


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