Why repair? Four reasons to repair your electronics.

In our IT Support service in London, among other services, we also provide an opportunity to recycle or even sell your old laptop or PC. Undoubtedly, this is the better thing to do to your device compared to simply throwing it away. However, sometimes it surprises us what people are ready to get rid of. Quite often these are new computers with some minor malfunctions – the owners simply did not know that it was fixable or decided that it would be less troublesome to get a new one. In this article, we would like to consider some reasons why you should repair your device.


Save money

This is an obvious point. In the majority of situations repairing a computer cost only a fraction of a price of a new one. Yet, some people believe that if something started malfunctioning in their tech it is only a matter of time that entire system would fail. It is only true, if you neglect the maintenance of your device. Providing it is given a good professional care, a computer may run until it becomes obsolete. A habit of getting a new one every other year can be extremely costly and keep you from things that you really care for.


Own your device

If you Apple is your choice of preference, it is very likely that your last purchase went over a £1000. Make the most of it! Don’t allow the industry bully you into buying a new piece of electronics declaring your MacBook retro when it is only a few years old. Even some 8-year systems are perfectly capable of handling all the everyday tasks.


Save environment

With a growing population, the amount of waste produced is unimaginable – almost half a ton per person per year. Almost 8.8 million people currently reside in London alone. You do the math. In addition, electronic waste produces dangerous elements and toxins: lead, arsenic, lithium, etc. Extending the life of electronic device reduces the amount of dangerous waste.


Create jobs locally

Every 1000 tons of electronics creates less than 1 job in landfills, 15 jobs in recycling, or 200 jobs in repair. Moreover, you are more likely to look for local repair services, rather than go through a hassle of sending a device overseas for manufacturer’s service. Together we can make our own community thrive. London deserves great computer repair services available locally.


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