Toshiba announced their helium HDD with 14TB of storage

Toshiba announced its new helium-filled HDDs. The assortment includes the industry’s first of a kind HDD with 9 plates. It employs a perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR), which allows fitting 14TB on this hard drive. The production of new drives is primarily targeted on cloud data storage providers, who would be happy to increase their data capacities without expanding their physical premises. However, professionals who work with graphics and video will also benefit greatly from this product. If you are in London, feel free to use our IT support and installation service.

Toshiba presents its helium-filled drives almost a few years later than its competitors. The development of new technology took years, but it is evident that the time was not wasted in vain. The platform used in this for MG07ACA drives is the most complex and technologically advanced in the industry for today: 9 plates (1,56TB each) are fitted into a standard 3.5-inch body, 18 reading heads, and the writing technology of the highest density, PMR, was utilised.

For the hard drive with the distance between its plates of the only 1,58mm, vibration becomes an enemy number one. Toshiba, knowing it produces a drive that will be contained in a server stack alongside other vibrating drives, implemented an entire array or features that are supposed to safeguard this hazard. Everything suggests that the manufacturer is certain in its new products: the drives are supplied with a standard 5-year warranty.

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