The Internet of Things

The ever-changing world of technology demands new vocabulary to orient in the sea of technological concepts. Lately, people visiting us in our London laptop repair service ask fewer questions about laptops and increasingly more questions about “things”, gadgets, smart devices, virtual assistants, etc. All of those fruits of civilisation form a so-called the Internet of Things. So what is the Internet of Things?




The majority of us have a smartphone, some of us have a smartwatch. Those are the “things” in the Internet of Things (IoT). Yet there are less obvious examples: a smart-fridge may sends you a message that it need to be refilled or warns you about something going out of date, a tracking device may inform you about your physical activity, another sends you a reminder to take pills, and another allows you to control the light, heating and individual power plugs in your come. Industries have plenty of things in their pockets: there are sensors in the fields to notify when irrigation is needed, devices to inform when bins need to be taken out, a service may track the condition of cars and notify them when the attention is needed.


The IoT


The number of these devices is unimaginable. They make our life more convenient, allow us to monitor and control things distantly, and most importantly, they accurately record data and track our activities. We so got used to having our files on our computer or on a phone, that many people struggling to get their heads around that the data today is no longer on the device (or not exclusively there). A great deal of our data is now stored “in the cloud”, somewhere in the vastness of the Internet. The same way “the things” can connect to the Internet and store the data there making it accessible from any other place on the Earth where a connection is available. The intercommunication of smart devices forms the Internet of Things.


They main priority of this arrangement is that it can be quite autonomous. The devices need from little to none of your attention, providing you with the results of all the data analysis, measurements and observations.


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