Seagate Multi Actuator increases HDD speed twofold

Throughout the history of hard disk drives their development was primarily targeted at increasing the volume. Even the latest inventions, helium environment and “tile” record method, were aimed to increase the amount of data that can be stored due to the number of hard drive plates and increased density of bytes on their surface. However, the productivity of hard drives, the speed of data exchange between magnetic surface, reading heads, and electronic components, was a secondary thing and improved only depending on the density of data record. It appears that on mechanical level hard drives reached its limit long time ago. Or did they?

On their corporate blog page, Seagate claimed they engineered a technology that doubles HDD productivity. The company introduced a device that splits reading heads into groups and moves them independently. Until this innovation, reading heads formed a single solid block. Now it is two blocks that share the axis but work independently. This means that HDDs can perform multiple tasks at the same time. Parallel processing that became so popular in main computing parts of many electronic devices reaches the peripherals.

A potential drawback of this arrangement is an increase in noise levels, still, the advantage here is quite radical. The company does not give any information about when HDD with Multi Actuator technology will become available on the market. However, you can be sure that when they will Bits and PCs, London IT support service will be able to upgrade your systems with the latest technology.

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