Samsung Gear vr VS Sony Morpheus VS Oculus Rift Crescent Bay


The Samsung Gear VR, Sony Morpheus and Oculus Rift Crescent Bay are virtual headsets that you can move about in (although that’s not suggested for safe game playing).


The new Samsung Gear VR Innovator Edition delivers a completely new experience you’ve never seen before, it surrounds you with virtual video, images and games in a full 360 degree immersive environment. The Galaxy Note 4’s amazing screen and processor makes this all possible.

This device will transforms your Samsung Galaxy Note 4 into an unparalleled 360 degree virtual reality viewing experience.b2ap3_thumbnail_Samsung-Gear-VR.jpg

The Sony Morpheus is designed to be fully functional with the Sony PlayStation 4 and work with the PlayStation Vita. It is currently a prototype and has no confirmed release date. However, we do know that it features a high FOV, 6DOF head-tracking, stereoscopic 3D, and unwarped output to a TV for others to view what the user sees.

The Sony Morpheus is said to work by using the PS4 Camera to track your head movements, thanks to its inbuilt dual array stereoscopic cameras. It will also utilise the PlayStation Move controllers to put your hands into the virtual reality experience too.



The Oculus Rift Crescent Bay. The lighter, more comfortable prototype has beefed-up specs and, for the first time, integrated headphones designed by the engineers at Oculus VR.

Oculus improved the last headset up to 1080p, and Crescent Bay certainly appears to have an even higher resolution, but the company won’t confirm as much. Although no release date has been announced, it is said to be released some time this year.

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