Since its release, Windows 10 has caused many issues for its users, despite being a significant upgrade from the operating systems that came before it. And now, Microsoft has revealed that yet another issue has been discovered, a Windows 10 flaw relating to security when browsing the web using Internet Explorer.
This new security flaw relates specifically to Internet Explorer. Essentially, this flaw would allow an attacker to gain access to your computer using what is called ‘remote code’. When you’re browsing online, an attacker would encourage you to visit a fake website, usually offering discounts or deals on popular products like computers or iPads. Once you are on the site, they would then be able to execute some remote code which would allow them access to your computer, without your knowledge. This means they could get access to all of your online accounts, as well as your email, and the documents and pictures stored on your hard drive.
As a Windows 10 user using Internet Explorer to browse the internet, you will be affected by this security flaw. However, Microsoft have urged that customers using Microsoft Edge, the new internet browser designed specifically for Windows 10, are not affected. Thus far Microsoft have said that there have been no similar security flaws in its new flagship browser. They are also using this as another example of why Windows 10 users should leave Internet Explorer behind, and instead migrate to using Microsoft Edge.
If your business is running Windows 10 and is using Internet Explorer to browse the internet, and you are worried about what the ramifications of this security flaw might be, it’s best to talk to a business IT support company, like us at Bits & PCs. We can run a full check on your systems and install the relevant update patches for you, so that you can keep running your business without worrying about your IT security.
For more information about the services we offer for business IT support in London, contact us today on 0207 22 11 355.