New Google Drive feature has arrived

A while ago Google introduced a new feature that allows offline access to documents on Google Drive. Hence, turning what used to be an online Microsoft office alternative into a powerful tool on its own. After that update Google Docs, Slides and Sheets enabled the user to edit the documents offline and synchronising them when the system got the access to the Internet, grabbing the best of both worlds. However, that function synchronised absolutely entire content of the Google Drive – whatever was stored in the Drive would be downloaded and stored on the system.

Now Google introduces a new feature that enables the user to select what is going to be synchronised and stored on the computer. The feature that Dropbox users have already known for six years. Better late than never.

To select which files to keep offline and which not, you will have to login into your Docs, Sheets or Slides home page through Chrome browser, right-click on the file and fiddle with the switch “Available offline” in the drop-down menu. However, there are limitations. The feature can be only configured with the desktop version of Chrome (mobile device users will have to wait).

Google feature

For full information on configuration click here. Feel free to come round into our London IT Support Service for assistance or information.

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