Microsoft stops supporting Windows 7 in 3 years.

Microsoft corporation recommends expediting the transition from Windows 7 to something more up-to-date as Windows 10 claiming it is no longer safe.


After a successful debut in 2009, Windows 7 conquered the world and became the most popular operating system in the world of today. Windows 7 occupies impressive 48% of the world’s personal computers and laptops. For comparison, Windows 10 populates only a quarter of computers.


Nevertheless, the operating system without the first service pack is no longer supported since the 9th of April, 2013. On the 31st of October, the same year, Windows 7 was taken from the shop shelves. Then, after about a year Microsoft stopped supplying the OS to computer manufacturers, whose production was targeted on home users. Another year later, and even clients’ PCs were no longer available with Windows 7 pre-installed. And about two years ago, on the 13th of January 2015, technological giant seized the main support of the OS.


Today Microsoft provides extended Windows 7 support. However, the company tirelessly reminds people that in three years, on the 14th of January 2020, Windows 7 support will come to an end. After the date, no more security updates will follow and the use of the system will become increasingly unsafe. Moreover, the company claims that the system is already unfit for security demands of today. The life of Windows 7 is coming to an end and the company strongly recommend moving on to newer versions Windows. Bits and PCs, London laptop repair service can assist you with in this task.


Interestingly enough, Windows XP is no longer supported since April 2014, Yet, it still occupies about 10% of world’s computers.

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