Microsoft introduced Office 2019 Preview for commercial clients

Jared Spataro, Microsoft’s representative, wrote in the official company’s blog that commercial clients were given an access to a preview version of Office 2019. The preview package includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, Access, Project, Visio, and OneNote for Windows 10.

This is the first public version of Office 2019 Preview. The company promises that in the nearest future they will provide the similar package for Mac and, additionally, Exchange 2019, SharePoint 2019, Project Server 2019 and Skype for Business 2019. Spartaro mentioned that there could not be a better way to receive this upgrade but through subscription Office 365 ProPlus claiming that is is safer, faster, more cost-effective, and more convenient. Nevertheless, Office 2019 package will be available and for those who are not yet ready to migrate to a cloud.

Among the new features there Office 2019 receives an support for handwriting input in all applications. PowerPoint got new effects and templates. However, most importantly, in our opinion, Excel receives powerful tools for data analysis, new formulas and diagrams, and an integration of Power BI, business analytics service provided by Microsoft. Although many users have been already using these tool for quite a while – they were made available for Office 365 ProPlus subscribers; this will only be a novelty for Office 2016 users.

As the name of the office package suggests, we should expect the release of a full version closer to 2019, but most likely by the end of this year. London business IT support will help you with preparations, planning, and realisation of this transition in your office.

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