Artificial Intelligence is a new concern for Microsoft

Artificial Intelligence is a new concern for Microsoft. Microsoft announces that they are forming a big new department. The specialists of this new team will be concentrating on research and development of artificial intelligence (AI). A few previously independent and not related projects will be united under the new thoughtful office. The team will comprise developers of Cortana and Bing, Ambient Computing and Robotics teams. Over 5000 scientists, engineers, and programmers will be working together.

Harry Shum (Heung-Yeung Shum), a computer scientist, is going to head the new team. He currently occupies the post of the Executive Vice President of Technology & Research at Microsoft, His renowned works are computer vision and computer graphics. Also, he was also taking part in the development of Bing search engine.

The formation of such department signifies the importance of AI technologies. Nevertheless, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and IBM are supporting this development as well. The companies are certain that this technology is capable of improving the quality of life and assist humanity in various areas.

New exciting products are on the way

Tools like Skype Translator, XiaoIce chatbot and the Cortana virtual assistant have benefited from AI early developments. Yet, we can only wait in anticipation what new excitement this new team brings to us.

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