macOS Sierra: planned update turned into new OS

Previously in our blog we have mentioned that Apple is planning a big update for its latest operating system (OS). However, Apple decided to surprise us with completely new free OS, macOS Sierra. It is the fourth OS released in the last four years. Apple treats us with new one every year, giving us, your London Mac Repair Service, bread. Because new OS means new exciting features to fathom and new incompatibility issues to resolve.

Microsoft releases new OS every two-three years. Two-three years of work, design, and development. Even then each new release is accompanied with months of complaints and troubleshooting. It is not the case with Apple, however. Each new release is accompanied with months of complaints and necessity to purchase new software packages because little troubleshooting follows. But let’s not bemoan in vain and embrace the future. And the future begins with…

Imagine a meeting in Apple inc. People in suits, big round table, presentation screen, a person next to it declares: “Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve been working hard on improvements for our new release. And the subject of this meeting is yet another important improvement – the size of emoticons in iMessage.” Now it is three times bigger! Luckily, the bigger emoticons are not the only new development. With the new name, macOS Sierra, come Siri and Apple Pay integrated into the system, Auto Unlock, for Apple Watch owners, storage optimisation. Joking aside, there are new developments that are worth mentioning.

Seamless operation between Apple devices

Now you can copy a file or a text on your iPhone or iPad and paste it on your computer, and vice versa. Apple Pay is now available on Mac due to yet another interaction with your phone – Touch ID on your phone or tablet will work for authorisation on your Mac as well. Documents and Desktop on your Mac will be accessible on iPad, iPhone, and even another Mac that you have.

macOS Sierra Tabs and new file system

Tabs system in the Finder has been devised. Now tabs can be used in folders and some applications, allowing you to work with multiple folders or files in one window, just like in Safari, Chrome, or Edge. Yet, the new file system is a really grand development. It allows optimised storage for flash storages, faster backups, ability to manipulate physical hard drives into one volume (like RAID, but not RAID). However, there is still very little information on how will it interact with existing ones.

Daredevils may download BETA version of macOS Sierra from here and experience the future release. Business owners are strongly recommended to wait for further announcements.


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