MacKeeper, Subscribe or Remove.

We are quite pleased to see that more and more people, who visit our Apple Mac London Repair Service, are aware of security threats and the way of protecting their computers. It wasn’t long ago when we’d get a defying stare in response to an advice to use protection on their Mac computer as a silent exclamation: “Macs do not have viruses! Are you stupid or what?” People have learned, and many of them – through their own unfortunate experience, that protection is needed even on Macs.

MacKeeper is a program that claims to protect you from everything that is out there, keeps your computer free from unnecessary stuff, and, as a result, makes it run faster. We bet that you know what we’re talking about, and some of you may even have it installed on your Mac. And no wonder. Because MacKeeper has been employing everything to get your attention: from legal advertisement, tech exhibitions to malware that infect your computer and persistently suggest you through pop-ups to try their software out. Oh, what a relief it was for a user, who have installed it, cleaned his computer with this software, and regained peace and tranquility (after paying for a monthly/yearly subscription).

Luckily, it hasn’t gone unnoticed and in 2014 users in the US sued the application’s former developer, Ukraine-based ZeoBIT. The claim was that MacKeeper would falsely trigger security alarms and performance problems in order to get consumers to pay $39.95 for the full version. Even there ZeoBIT has found a straw to cling on, claiming that at least the court has failed to prove that MacKeeper was “completely worthless.” Yes, people, we have lied to you and have taken your money, but we are proud to announce that our software is not completely worthless.

Inevitably, those events have led the company to the owner replacement. German corporation, Kromtech Alliance, have promised to undertake the actions to improve MacKeeper’s reputation. However, the cases of malevolent adware forcing you to install MacKeeper with every click you make we have personally witnessed throughout 2015.


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