Intel will demonstrate 5G during Olympic Games 2018

Intel and International Olympic Committee made an announcement about a contract binding them in a long-term partnership. The agreement was signed by a CEO of technology manufacturing giant and a president of the International Olympic Committee.


It is expected that the first fruits of such collaboration will be presented next year in February during the Winter Olympic Games 2018 in PyeongChang, South Korea. Specifically, an experimental technology 5G, which is going to determine the future of telecommunication industry for the next decade. Intel is leading the first demonstration, which is going to start a worldwide distribution of mobile network of the fifth generation.


Excitement does not end here – in outlined plans, Intel revealed that Intel True VR platform will be utilised during the forthcoming winter sports event. For the first time in the human history, this technology will allow organising a live translation of the games in a virtual reality format. The fans will be offered to enjoy the immersive experience without leaving their home.


A flotilla drones will be hovering above the stadium during the light show. Together with the implementation of Intel 360 Replay Technology it will grant the spectators review the fascinating moments from different points of view. Later, the similar solution will become available for TV viewers too.


The agreement states that Intel will be providing its services also during Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo, winter games 2022 in Beijing, and 2024 games, location of which hasn’t been determined yet.

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