HP Inc. may become a leading company in 2017

Digitimes Research is ready to proclaim a new leader on notebook market. The leading position is currently occupied by Lenovo, but it is predicted that this year HP will break through and take the lead.  


In 2016 the company fell back just by some hundred thousand laptops. This year, as consumer demand in the US is growing, HP is increasing supplies of laptops. More than 36 million devices will be produced this year. This will allow HP to become a leader in the market.


Specialists claim that wide selection of products offered by HP will be able to compete with rivals in 2017. Additionally, there is a real chance for the company to restore its positions in the corporate sector.


As for Lenovo, this year may be difficult one. Laptop sales for the manufacturer are decreasing in China, the country it relies on the most. Lenovo supply almost a half of its production to China. The main reason for this decrease is stronger rivalry corroborated by Huawei and Xiaomi. It is expected that this year Lenovo reduce the number of devices supplied by 2 million units. Nevertheless, even in these circumstances, the company will still be able to stay firmly in the second place in the list of laptop manufacturers.


The entire market of laptops continues recessing. However, the dynamics of the fall predicted for this year will stay minimal. In 2016 150 million laptops was produced worldwide.   


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