Google summons its league of extraordinary gentlemen

The world of technology is very dynamic. And if you were a loyal fan of Apple as the company who produces the greatest technological advances, you may start considering selling your iPhone or MacBook in the future, because Google is up to something. In its recent article, the Information shed a light on some recent activity of Google. According to it, Google is putting a lot of effort into chip development and for this purpose the company lured in some talented engineers from Apple. It was stated that Google employed few key specialists from Apple, including the famous John Bruno.

In Apple J. Bruno was a head of a department that was responsible for analysis of semiconductor production and its ability to compete. Before that, he was one of the leading developers of hybrid processors, Fusion, in AMD. J. Bruno confirmed his move on his LinkedIn page stating that from this month he is a part of Google as a system architect after 5 years working for Apple. He wasn’t the only one. Manu Gulati, who worked for Apple for 8 years and actively participated in the development A-series processors, Wonjae Choi, Tayo Fadelu, and few other engineers from Qualcomm are now employed by Google.

The analysts suggest that Google is working on it new devices from Pixel family and that we should expect some exciting products in the future.

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