Google is about to change privacy settings layout

The personal info and privacy settings page in Google is about to receive a new design. The company hopes that the changes improve u the ability of the page on touch devices. Also, it will become easier to see and adjust the personal information that is used by the company.


Google states that in case of the main security panel they had to start from scratch. The elements were placed in according to users’ demands.For example, My Account and My Actions will be easily located and accessed from the main security configuration page. There, apart from the obvious things, users will be able to browse detailed activity in all Google services and delete search requests.


According to the screenshots Google presented earlier, the company aims on visual representation of data. Firstly, information about your account and its configuration is displayed. Below, popular services can be found. The current version of the page consists mainly of text, categories and subcategories. Some settings also demand a number of actions to be made in order to get to the information you require.  


According to Google, hundreds of millions of people access My Account page every year. Additionally, tens of millions of those went through confidentiality configuration check since 2015.




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