Google invades galleries and museums

Even in London IT Support company is place and time to appreciate art. Especially when Google provides such a wonderful opportunity to do so. Looking for information about artists and their creations becomes easier. The company integrated achievements of Google Arts & Culture into Google Maps.


Users can view entire collections or artists works and examine each one of them in high definition. Additionally, people now have an opportunity to roam virtual museums and galleries, see the artworks as they are presented in the real world and read annotations accordingly.


Google Arts and Culture has its own app for browsing works of artists that interest you. It includes spherical virtual tours and “Shazam for artworks”. But now it becomes a part of Google Maps. The app allows you to look up an artist and discover where his or her works can be found. Street View for desktop and mobile apps is now capable of bringing you from a street into a gallery directly.


It all became possible because of the project the Google unravelled in 2011, and which is still currently active. The project is dedicated to the preservation of art and making it available to everyone. During Google Art Project the company used gigapixel camera to depict every little detail from a brushstroke to an oil paint dab.


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