Google Assistant went through a sex change

Google Assistant, a virtual voice assistant without which many users of Android devices or Google Home cannot imagine their lives any longer, increases its range of services and features. Almost monthly we hear about another update that makes it faster, smarter, or that this digital assistant grows an extra hand to lend you. Just a few days ago we discovered about new Shazam abilities of the assistant, an ability to identify audio tracks. Another day we have seen total domination over Siri and Bing with Chinese experts, who analysed AI algorithms.


The only unchanged characteristic of Google Assistant was its avatar formed through intonations and manner of communication. The company decided to revise this nuance and presented a new version of their digital assistants.


Now if you go to Preferences you will find a new tab that wasn’t there before, Select Assistant Voice that contains two options Voice I and Voice II. In the first case, the answers to your queries will be generated in a female voice that we’re all accustomed to. The second option changes the voice to male.


In order to be able to change Google Assistant’s voice, you will need to have your Android software updated to the latest version. The new configuration is available for mobile phones and tablets on both Android and iOS as well as for Google Home speaker.


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