Cloud migration: not just for businesses

Here at Bits and PCs, we don’t just provide IT support in London: we’re also passionate about educating our customers on the subject of cloud computing. We’ve discussed the benefits of cloud migration for businesses on previous occasions, but should ordinary PC users be considering using the cloud more? We believe that migrating your data and your applications to the cloud can help you even if you only use your computer for personal or casual tasks.

1. Data security

Using the cloud to back-up your data can help protect it. Data that is only stored physically can be lost or corrupted if the hardware it is stored on is damaged, stolen or lost. As someone who doesn’t use their computer for business activities, you may not keep many work-related files on your PC. However, that doesn’t mean that your data isn’t important. You may keep personal projects, digital family photographs or important documents containing personal information. Migrating this data to the cloud can help ensure that you don’t lose it. Remember that data that relates to your personal life is no less important than data that relates to your work life.

2. Data accessibility

You can access applications and files that are stored in the cloud using almost any device. Migrating your data and applications to the cloud is therefore a fantastic way of ensuring that you can get hold of your data whenever you need it. Have you ever wanted to show someone an image or find personal information in a document that you saved on a laptop when you don’t have the device with you? Have you ever wanted to carry out a simple task only to realise you don’t have the right app on any of the devices you’re carrying? If so, you’ll know how frustrating it can be not to be able to access your data. Cloud computing enables you to find the data you want on your mobile phone, your tablet or even on a friend’s computer. Ordinary people already use social media to store certain images and pieces of information, thereby allowing them to access that data from anywhere and on any device. Just think of cloud computing as the logical extension of this practice. The only real difference is that cloud computing can enable you to access all your data and apps, not just a few.

3. Data persistence

The cloud is a fantastic way of storing data that you want to hold on to for a long time. As the years go by, you are likely to upgrade and replace your computing devices. Inevitably, some data will be thrown away along with the old hardware. A document, image or video file may have special sentimental significance, however. Storing it on the cloud will ensure that you can access it long after you have stopped using the device where the content was originally created or saved.

The cloud isn’t just for business-critical data. Cloud migration can make your life easier, even if you’re the world’s most casual computer user!

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