Apple’s Force Touch Trackpad review

Perhaps, you decided it’s time to sell your old MacBook and get a new one. Looking through the products available in the store it is easy to spot all the inconspicuous differences. The new models are way thinner, lighter, the keyboard feels a little bit weird, but there is a pretty touch bar above it, and, oh, the screen – so much better that any Apple product released before 2012. However, we bet one thing, we bet, you haven’t noticed.


That glass panel called trackpad looks, feels and sounds (almost) identical to what you had on your old MacBook Pro. However, it is deceiving. Until 2014, trackpads on Apple notebooks were pretty simple and similar: a hinge holds the thing in place, a button at the base gives you a “click”. Apple went crazy and decided to change this construction completely to simulate… what it always been doing before.


New Force Touch trackpad has no buttons. The click you hear is a super-fast vibration produced by electromagnets. As soon as you apply pressure, the sensors detect it and respond with a “buzz”. There is also a secondary click available by pressing a little bit harder on the trackpad. Beware, if your computer acts somewhat funny when you try to control the cursor, remember that there is now a secondary click. So you might need to be a little bit gentler with that glass panel. After fighting off some annoyance at the beginning, you may find that the secondary click can be actually useful. Additionally, you will be happy to discover that Force Touch trackpad registers your click equally well everywhere on its surface, unlike the old one that had to be pressed closer to the base to work.

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