Apple for students of all ages

With so many schools, colleges and universities converting to Apple computers, it’s no wonder that parents who are new to Apple’s Mac OSX are confused. Mac computers weren’t half as famous ten years ago as they are these days, and it was unheard of to see anything other than a Microsoft based computer in a school back then. Now Apple seems to be the brand of choice, and you probably couldn’t get a more different operating system if you tried!

So what Apple equipment are children using in schools these days, and how easy is it for parents to get the same sort of setup at home?

It starts right from the early years, when nursery school children are being introduced to iPads. Lightweight and portable, a tablet like this isn’t as scary as a full computer might be for a young child. They give the student help with their motor skills, and thanks to specially selected software and accessories, even start with the basics of control and data manipulation.

The creative potential of Apple is well recognised throughout primary and secondary schools. Teachers can use iBooks Author to generate unique content for their lessons, children use Apple’s “Pages” and “Numbers” software for word processing and number crunching, and record footage of the school football team to analyse performance after the match.

Schools realise that iPads and Apple computers aren’t the cheapest of items to buy, and many offer a loan system, where the student gets to take a tablet or laptop home, effectively giving them custody of it, on the condition that the students looks after it and takes responsibility for its well-being. If your child brings an Apple home, you might want to keep our number on standby, just in case you need specialist Apple Mac repairs in London!

If you’re looking to bring a piece of the classroom into your home, buying your own Mac is a great move, even if it’s not something you’re familiar with. Older students – whether that’s a sixth form student or an adult starting a course as a mature student, qualify for a discount on hardware from Apple’s online education store. Discounts vary, but as long as you have proof of student status or employment within an educational establishment, it can make real difference to the cost.

Remember, if you’re in any doubt at all, we’d be more than happy to advise you on getting started with an Apple setup at home, or offer computer support for your Apple system in London.

Embossed Apple logo by Marcin Wichary licensed under Creative commons 4

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