Apple is back as a leader in wearable electronics

According to analytic data from IDC, Apple is yet again leading the chart of worldwide sales on wearable electronics. IDC calculated that in a period from October to November last year Apple produced about 37,9 million wearable electronic gadgets (e.g. smartwatch, fitness tracker, etc.). This number exceeds the last year’s figure by 7.7%.

The supplies of Apple Watch alone increased for more than a half peaking at 8 million units. This allowed Apple to break through and take the first place on the observable market, even though it was lagging behind Fitbit and Xiaomi for few quarters. It is believed that one of the main drivers of company’s grows is the release of new Apple Watch model that supports cellular network.

Fitbit, the company that held the lead for the last 3 months of 2016, supplied 5,4 million devices in 2017, which is 17,3% less than it was during the same period the previous year. However, the company is not going to give up: the active development of Fitbit OS continues, while Fitbit attracts more and more partners from a healthcare sector.

For consumers, this denotes a favourable time to purchase some wearables, as companies will have plenty of offers to keep or promote their positions on the market. The similar climate is expacter on the market of used electronics – a perfect time to sell or buy used gadgets.

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